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The Compass
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The Compass

How We Make a Difference

Engaging our community in the making of exceptional public schools.
Following Manchester Proud’s founding in 2018, our first task was to bring our community together to craft a shared vision for the future of our public schools. Manchester Proud convened more than 10,000 Manchester citizens in the making of “Our Community’s Plan for Manchester’s Future of Learning: Excellence and Equity for ALL Learners”.

With the plan adopted by Manchester’s Board of School Committee as the district’s strategic roadmap, Manchester Proud has remained committed to partnering with the district for its efficient implementation.

In 2023, Our Champion’s Council conducted a strategic planning process, reaffirming our mission and establishing goals for the future. The Council identified key opportunities to drive Manchester Proud’s work, focusing on Community Communications and Engagement, as well as School to Community Partnerships and Career Pathways.

Some of our initiatives

Building business and community partnerships to create opportunity awareness and career pathways for K-12 students across the District, while cultivating the workforce needed for Manchester to fly high in the future.

Bringing together community partners and the district to establish and maintain a comprehensive communications network, enhancing connectivity with students and families.
Hosting, developing, and promoting our community portal, the Compass, to connect students and families with essential information, programs, and services.
Co-producing our primary community engagement events, CelebratED, Spring into Summer and State of the Manchester School District, in partnership with the Manchester School District and the Greater Manchester Chamber.
Collaborating with community partners and the district to scale the programs and impacts of Manchester’s Community Schools.
Creating opportunities for students to earn valuable Industry Recognized Credentials, elevating their competitiveness in the job market.

Some of our initiatives

Career Connected Learning

Strengthening business partnerships to create career pathways through our district-wide Career Connected Learning initiative. This promotes awareness and exploration of career opportunities for K-12 students.

Community Communications Network

Bringing together community partners and the district to establish and maintain a comprehensive communications network, enhancing connectivity with students and families.

Scaling Community Schools Impact

Collaborating with community partners and the district to scale the programs and impacts of Manchester’s Community Schools.

The Compass, a Community Portal.

Hosting, developing, and promoting our community portal, the Compass, to connect students and families with essential information, programs, and services.

Industry Recognized Credentials

Creating opportunities for students to earn valuable Industry Recognized Credentials, elevating their competitiveness in the job market.

Community Engagement Events

Co-producing our primary community engagement events, CelebratED and State of the Manchester School District, in partnership with the Manchester School District and the Greater Manchester Chamber.
Manchester Proud isn’t just about what we do, it’s about who we do it with. Together, we continue to shape the future of education in Manchester, fostering excellence, equity, and engagement in our public schools.
Meet the dedicated team behind Manchester Proud, a group of passionate and skilled individuals committed to driving positive change and making a significant impact in our community.

Latest News


In the heart of Manchester, New Hampshire, at Beech Street Elementary School, community collaboration and commitment to student success took center stage at the recent Manchester Proud Spring into Summer <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="test“>[…]

Proud Moments – Central High School’s Jazz Band

We met with Central High School’s Jazz Band on Wheel Wednesday! Wheel Wednesday is different from the student’s traditionally daily improvisation as they sit in a circle moving around the <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Proud Moments – Central High School’s Jazz Band“>[…]

Manchester Proud Update – March 2024

Manchester Proud, a community-based organization dedicated to enhancing the quality of public school education in the city, has been a driving force behind initiatives aimed at empowering students and enriching <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Manchester Proud Update – March 2024“>[…]


The power of building and tending to community partnerships is a multiplier, expanding our collective knowledge, expertise, experience, capacity, resources, opportunity, and commitment to our common goal of excellence and equity for all learners. The old saying that, “Two heads are better than one”, certainly applies to our work, and we are so very fortunate to have many, many heads contributing to the success of our District.