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The Compass

Proud Happenings

The latest news of Manchester Proud and the Manchester School District

Our work is always progressing in response to new opportunities. Stay updated with current happenings of Manchester Proud and the Manchester School District’s work here.

CelebratED MHT! A Festival of OUR Public Schools and Community

Come one and all to Manchester’s second annual festival of our public schools and community: CelebratED MHT!, presented by USI Insurance Services. The festivities will roll out on September 17th, <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="CelebratED MHT! A Festival of OUR Public Schools and Community“>[…]

Celebrate with Purpose

By: Barry Brensinger, Manchester Proud Coordinator CelebratED 2022 is now only days away!   We are looking forward to seeing you in Veteran’s Park on September 17th for a day-long festival <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Celebrate with Purpose“>[…]



The power of building and tending to community partnerships is a multiplier, expanding our collective knowledge, expertise, experience, capacity, resources, opportunity, and commitment to our common goal of excellence and equity for all learners. The old saying that, “Two heads are better than one”, certainly applies to our work, and we are so very fortunate to have many, many heads contributing to the success of our District.