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The Compass
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Homeless Youth and Young Adult Services

Waypoint is the only agency in NH that provides a comprehensive service array for young people who are experiencing homelessness. Street Outreach puts boots on the ground to canvas the streets of the community, and serves as a lifeline to at-risk youth wherever they may be– offering two essential things: the basic elements to survive and opportunities to change their course. The Runaway & Homeless Youth Program provides crisis intervention and prevention in schools and the community, and can help youth resolve family conflict. The Youth Resource Center is a safe space where youth can get access to basic needs such as food, clothes, showers, and laundry, as well as life-changing services such as mental health counseling, substance misuse treatment, education (help completing school, continuing onto higher ed), job skills training, and more. The Transitional Living Program provides housing and supportive services to youth experiencing/on brink of homelessness as they advance toward self-sufficiency and success. Rapid Rehousing provides short-term rental assistance and services to young people experiencing homelessness in order to obtain housing quickly, build a foundation for stability, and increase long-term self-sufficiency. Youth Shelter and Resource Centers: In 2022, Waypoint plans to open a Youth Resource (drop-in) Center in Rochester and Concord, and an overnight emergency shelter for youth experiencing homelessness in Manchester.

Resource Categories

Basic Needs Volunteers

Basic Needs

Basic needs are defined as something that we must have in order to live. Recognizing that our students cannot thrive when they may be worried about basic necessities, this section provides resources across the community where essential services and supports can be found.

Early Childhood

Early childhood education not only prepares our youngest students to be in school, but also supports the development of a child’s social and emotional skills.

Health and Mental Wellness

Health and Wellness

Being healthy is so important to enable learning and building a positive and engaging community.