The City of Manchester Health Department works with the Manchester School District to bring dental care to children in need at Manchester’s elementary, middle, and high schools. Dental care is provided on a dental van at each school during school hours by a certified Public Health Dental Hygienist and, when needed, a licensed dentist. Students can also be referred to local dental offices for ongoing dental care. The program serves an average of 600 students each school year at all 21 Manchester public schools.
Manchester Health Department Dental Care Program
Program Fee
A suggested $10 donation for those students who do not meet the financial eligibility guidelines.
Program Availability
Transportation Options
All services are provided on-site in the dental van.
Eligibility Requirements
Any Manchester School Disitrict student who: does not have a dentist and meets financial eligibility requirements.
Grade Levels Served
K-4, 5-8, 9-12
Schools Served
Jewett Street School, Middle School at Parkside, Highland-Goffe’s Falls, Webster, McLaughlin Middle School, West High School, Hillside Middle School, Gossler Park, Henry Wilson Elementary, Manchester Memorial High School, Weston, Beech Street Elementary School, Webster School, Manchester School of Technology, Smyth Road, Bakersville Elementary School & Bishop O’Neil Center Preschool, Parker-Varney School, Central High School, Northwest Elementary School, Green Acres, McDonough Elementary School, Southside Middle School
Referral Requirements
School Referral
Program Contact Information
Andrea Iasillo