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The Compass
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The Compass

Community Calendar

Discover events tailored for students and families within Manchester. Our Community Calendar showcases activities submitted by our Community Partners. Please note that event details are subject to change, and we recommend verifying them with the respective Community Partner before making plans.


To be featured on the Community Calendar, events must actively support our students, families,
and public schools, while also being suitable for a young audience.

Approval for posting rests solely with Manchester Proud.

Submission Process: Once a comprehensive event submission is made and receives approval,
it will be featured on Manchester Proud’s Community Calendar. 

Timeline: Events can be posted up to 6 months in advance. Hosting partners are responsible
for providing updates as necessary to keep information current.

MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Event Start Time(Required)
Event End Time(Required)
Event Category
Event Age