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The Compass
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The Compass

Y’s After School Programs

There’s plenty for kids and parents to love about the Y’s Before & After School Programs. Kids get to experiment with their new knowledge, move their bodies, and be surrounded by positive adult role models. Kids have the opportunity to explore nature, try new activities, gain independence, and make lasting friendships and memories. And, of course, it’s fun too! In our care, your child will receive homework support, outdoor play, nutrition & fitness curriculum, healthy snacks, enrichment (STEM, creative arts, and more), character development, choice time, and more! Sibling discounts are available.

Resource Categories

Basic Needs Volunteers

Basic Needs

Basic needs are defined as something that we must have in order to live. Recognizing that our students cannot thrive when they may be worried about basic necessities, this section provides resources across the community where essential services and supports can be found.

Early Childhood

Early childhood education not only prepares our youngest students to be in school, but also supports the development of a child’s social and emotional skills.

Health and Mental Wellness

Health and Wellness

Being healthy is so important to enable learning and building a positive and engaging community.